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the rain feels like our situation in the city

sorta being looked at and sorta not


Me too

continue to walk everyday in the city that was my first love

Helps me stay sane and in movement

Sad to think

sheltering the homeless is a solution

happy for them they have a place to go



but they still remain

less in health and well being

its a beginning

I just hope

the Mayor doesn’t

shut the door on something they can’t deal with or face

and pretend everything is ok

the only action here is makeing believe something is being done


nothing was truly being

seen for all that it is

you can’t change something unless you see it for what it is

not what you can handle it being

homeless people are children of God too

drug addicted, mentally challenged and have given up

We can’t give up

they will only continue to bleed on us all

even in a house

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