Oct 28, 2020Liked by Richard Hester

❤️your post today

took my breath away


not my fear ( also) of heights

I’ll just look up

at The Edge....

I V💙TED yesterday in Brooklyn

15 minutes of waiting time as the autumn leaves lent their song

5 minutes to cast my vote

and be counted

I cried

with joy

as I was give a sticker and slice of pizza as I left the Masonic Temple

The action

the voice from voting

to be heard and counted

amist all the yelling and negating of truth

So power full to vote

and will remain powerful in standing with my truth and live it

give the best care to myself

take responsibility for me & my actions

keep the dreams alive that I envision

true freedom, that I can do something about

thank you for taking me (up) backstage of The Phantom


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Jealous of the pizza slice!!! xoxoxo

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