Jun 15, 2023Liked by Richard Hester

There must be something afoot in the Universe. Right before I opened your letter, I had just read my Thursday delivery of Eric Zorn’s (former Chicago Trib columnist and now Substack) Picayune Sentinal He opened with the following:

“Birthday observances should not be just for the living and the famous

Earlier this month, I made note of the 117th anniversary on June 6 of the birth of my paternal grandfather Max Zorn, from whom I appropriated the title of this newsletter. Two weeks from today will mark the 94th anniversary of the birth of my late mother-in-law, Tobey Wolken.

As I think more about these dates and these important people in my family’s life, I’m regretting that we too often stop observing or even remembering the birthdays of those who have died. And this hastens the inevitable fade nearly all of us make after death into obscurity.

I’m resolving to put onto the family calendar the birthdays of not just our living family members — my dad turns 92 next Monday — but also the important ones gone on before; the ones to whom we cannot send cards or make phone calls but whom we should pause to remember, consider and thank. Maybe in a family email or group text. Maybe in a toast at the evening meal. Or maybe in a moment of silent reflection as you gaze at that square on the calendar that once meant so much.

We do it for important figures in a nation’s history. Why not for grandparents, parents, departed siblings and other close relatives who are important in our family histories? Give each one his or her own day again.

I don’t want to forget to remember all of them.”

For the record, My grandfather Lyman Lamb was born on July 5th. It is family lore that he always quipped, “Have a 5th on the 4th”. 😉

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That's fantastic - thank you

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Richard Hester

Happy birthday, Pop. You have a delightful son who has endeared you and your family to me.

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Happy birthday to your Dad. My father would have turned 102 this Aug. He was 95 when he passed.

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